Nancy Whiteside

My working career was spent in the Telecommunications sector, primarily in various Management positions at TELUS. I worked in the Cellular and Landline divisions of the company, and was fortunate to gain experience finance, Customer service, Process re-engineering and Human Resources. I have been a practicing artist all my life, so, after retiring, I completed the Certificate in Fine Arts program at Emily Carr. I continue to have an active practice. I am also an active volunteer with the NDP. I was the Financial agent for the Federal riding of New Westminster Burnaby from 2011 to 2016. I was the Office manager and Official Agent for the 2015 Federal Election. I continue to sit on the executive of Burnaby New Westminster. I am also on the executive of the Provincial constituency for New Westminster.
I believe the arts in all forms have an important role to play in civil society, and am honoured to be considered for this board.